School Ethos
We believe all pupils are entitled to be with dignity and respect.
We Believe
Pupils with a diagnosis of Autism can learn effectively if they are given a range of appropriate structured programmes, which address their deficits and build upon their strengths.
Pupils with a diagnosis of Autism have the right to aspire to the highest standards attainable and that their achievements should be recognized and praised.
All pupils should be helped to take responsibility for their own lives and be
Enabled to live as independently as possible.
All pupils should be encouraged to make decisions and speak for themselves through any means of communication available to them.
All pupils have the right to participate in the community in which they live.
All pupils are entitled to an education that enables them to make progress so that they achieve their best, become confident individuals living fulfilling lives, and make a successful transition into adulthood, whether into employment, further or higher education, independent or supported living.
Our Curriculum Provides
Personalised access to a differentiated curriculum that has breadth and balance appropriate to meet each individual pupil’s needs.
Developmentally and ability sequenced learning targets
An emphasis on learning to learn, and the enjoyment of learning.
Evidenced based approaches that maximise teaching and learning.
Positive behavioural support plans devised and motored by Behavioural analysts.
The teaching of functional communication skills with guidance from Speech and Language therapists.
The teaching of functional skills and sensory management with guidance from Occupational therapists.
Teaching and learning opportunities throughout the school day, on site and off site, including opportunities for age-appropriate play and leisure interactions both between staff and pupils and amongst peers.